Year One

LK and Ivrit in Key Stage One

Key Stage One are taught a mixture of Ivrit (Modern Hebrew), Parasha (the weekly torah portion) and Dinim (Jewish law). The children have many experiences which enhance their education. A highlight of the Year One curriculum is the Suddur topic when the children are presented with their first school Siddur. By Year Two we aim for the children to be fluent in their Ivrit reading and so we present them with an Ivrit book. Parents are invited to both the ceremonies and encouraged to join in with the celebrations.

LK teachers liaise closely with their parallel Class Teachers. Opportunities for integration with the National Curriculum are actively sought in order to enhance both the overall learning experience and in order to develop further each child’s identity, knowledge and understanding.


Year 1 Spring Term

Trip to Etz Chaim

PSHCE: Bravery

Forest School

Year 1 Autumn Term


Reception Summer Term

Visiting the Community Care Fair

Forest School

Police Visit

Melting Experiment

Reception Spring Term


Challah Covers


Mental Health Awareness Week

PE & Height

Reading Buddies

Reception Autumn Term

Reading Buddies

Woodland Fun

Mini Beasts in the Woodland

Patterns in the Woodland

Reception in the Woodland

Reading Buddies

Nursery 2 Summer Term

Fish & Chip Friday

Summer 2

George’s Grandpa Comes to Visit

Mia’s Dad Comes to Visit

We go to visit Year 1

The Royal Shavuot Garden Party

Israeli Dancing

Having fun in Nursery 2

Nursery 2 Spring Term

Spring 2 Mix

Forest School

Forest School in the Snow

Purim in Nursery 2

Week in the Woodland

Chinese New Year

Percy the Park Keeper & Diwali

Doctor in the House!

Baby Clinic

Spring 1 Mix

Tu B’Shevat

Nursery 2 Autumn Term

Chanukah in Nursery 2

Outdoor Fun

Festival Fun!

Nursery  Transition Session