the Kinder Millions

During the Second World War, also known as the Holocaust, millions of people perished at the hands of the Nazis, 6 million of whom were Jewish. Of those who died, 1,500,000 were children who lost their lives before they had really begun.

To help understand the enormity of this number we are collecting 1,500,000 buttons and will make them into a display on the Henry Cohen Campus as a permanent reminder of our history and how intolerance to each others unique differences can cause unimaginable pain.

As part of the Kinder Million project we will be arranging Holocaust educational activities and seminars in conjunction with the Association of Jewish Refugees (AJR) for children, students, parents and anybody who would like to learn more about the Holocaust. Please get in touch with us if you would like some more information on this.

Please support our project and help us spread the message so that we always remember to be tolerant and accepting of each other.