
Sometimes we use abbreviations that teachers understand, but nobody else! So here are the main ones, just in case we use them when we are speaking to you, or you see this in school documents.

TA – Teaching Assistant

HLTA – Higher Level Teaching Assistant

DHT – Deputy Headteacher

AHT – Assistant Headteacher

SBM – School Business Manager

LSA – Lunchtime Supervisory Assistant

SEN – Special Educational Needs

IEP – Individual Education Plan

IBP – Individual Behaviour Plan

NA – National Averages

EYFS – Early Years Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception classes)

EYFSP – Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (each child has one which their progress and attainment can be recorded)

KS1, KS2 – Key Stage 1 (5-7 year olds), Key Stage 2 (7-11 year olds)

DSP – Designated Senior Person for Safeguarding

LA – Local Authority

SEF – Self Evaluation Form

SDP – School Development Plan (or School Improvement Plan)

ARE – Age Related Expectations

PPA – Planning, Preparation and Administration time (this is 10% of a teacher’s contract and is time taken out of class)

PE – Physical Education

DT – Design Technology

RE – Religious Education

LK – Limmudei Kodesh