Odd Sock Day

The start of Anti Bullying week was a big success today. Children and staff came to school wearing odd socks highlighting that we are all different and unique.

In assembly three Year 6 children told a story linked to the Parsha Lech Lecha. It was about a boy who had been bullied for wearing a pink t-shirt. The next day another child in the class came into the classroom with 50 pink t shirts, handing them out to everyone. All t-shirts were given out and worn by the children in the class. This highlighted to all the children in the class that irrespective of  people’s differences, we should all stick together and look out for each other.

We then discussed how perhaps wearing odd socks might make everyone stand out and feel different, but the lesson to learn is to to all be kind and look out for each other.

The children felt proud to wear odd socks today and should always be proud to be unique!

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