Wow – What a busy first enrichment session! We have held 15 sessions of very different activities. Activities are:
Chess, Mindfulness & Yoga, Knitting, Circuit Training, Ball Skills (Y5&6), Ball skills (Y1-Y4), Drama, Cooking and Knife Skills, Origami, Magic, Forest School, Ukuleles, Beading, Film Making and Stop Motion and Trampolining.
Children had the opportunity earlier in the week to pick their top 3 options. Unfortunately, due to an extremely high demand for some of the activities children were unable to put placed in their first option although looking at the pictures it seems as though they have all enjoyed themselves regardless!
We would like to say a massive THANK YOU to the volunteers who have come in to help the teaching staff run these sessions. Without your help we wouldn’t be able to do these kind of activities with the children.
The children will continue in each of their sessions for the rest of the half term developing either a new or existing skill.
There was the most amazing buzz around school this afternoon. Fantastic.