Nursery 2

LK in Nursery 2

Nursery 2 have a single dedicated member of LK staff all morning. During the morning session there will be morning prayers, an LK input, small group LK activities and chance for the children to take their LK learning further through independent play and play initiated by the staff. Children enjoy celebrating the various Jewish festivals in fun and experiential ways!

In all EYFS classes, many LK themes are continued and taught through secular studies with careful planning across both departments.



Nursery 2 Spring Term

Learning about Shul

Celebrating Chinese New Year

Nursery 2 Autumn Term

Our first days in Nursery 2

Learning about Rosh Hashanah

Learning in the Woodland

Trying Out Yogo

Nursery 1 Summer Term

Celebrating Israel’s 71st Birthday

Nursery 1 Spring Term


Planting for Spring

Learning about Pesach

Nursery 1 Autumn Term

Our First Week in Nursery 1

Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur


Autumn Walk

Chanukah Party