British Science Week
Yesterday, we celebrated British Science Week 2022 with a fantastic science afternoon on this year’s theme of ‘Growth’. In their classes, the children participated in a ‘guess the person from the baby photo’ game and talked about how they could identify the people – which features have stayed the same and which have changed? Every class also planted sunflower seeds and discussed what plants need to grow successfully. It was fantastic that so many pupils were able to recycle used coffee cups to use as pots and we are extremely grateful to the PTA for supplying cups and soil for many of the children with very short notice. Joah in Year 4 shared how much he enjoyed the afternoon: “We had so much fun planting the seeds but my favourite part was guessing who all the babies were – it was harder than I thought it would be!”
We are now looking forward to watching our sunflowers grow in school and at home. Here are some tips for growing yours:
- Keep the plant indoors, in a warm, sunny location, keeping the soil moist but not over-saturated. The seeds should begin to sprout after a week or two.
- Supporting the young plants with a cane will keep them upright until they are big enough to support themselves – a pencil, chopstick or knitting needle will work just as well!
- After a few weeks, begin putting your plant outside for a couple of hours each day to get it used to the outdoors (as long as it is not frosty!)
- Towards the end of May, you can plant your sunflower permanently outside.
Happy growing!
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